Friday, December 31, 2010

Right and Wrong

What is "right" and what is "wrong"? Who'll be the one to decide that? How do you judge "right" or "wrong"? Is there really "right" or "wrong" in this world?

Personally, I think there's no right or wrong in this world. Simply because it go against moral or religious belief doesn't mean it's wrong. For example: "You lie to protect someone's feelings. Morally it's wrong, but because you're trying to avoid hurting someone, which is right in sense."

Furthermore, anything that go against social norm is considered "WRONG". People cannot accept new and different things and concepts, anything that's different from them are considered wrong and abnormal. I don't know why is this happening, but probably because they afraid of change or fear of rejection. For instance, homosexuality. This type of relationships are often considered wrong, although it's legal in some country, but you can still see the social prejudices. It's not "normal", so it's wrong, people just cannot accept it. They don't have any concrete facts to prove it's "unnatural" anyway, except for the "HOLY BIBLE" crap. (I like to debate, so...)

For me, I trust my conscience. I do what I think is right for ME, that is, without hurting others. Parents told me not to do this and that, but I often make the judgement by myself, usually I don't listen to them (I know I'm naughty, can't helped it).

Trust your instinct, and think rationally, don't be affected by what's wrong or right, it might be right for them, but it's not necessary right for you. And remember don't harm any innocent people, it's not fair for them. Just be true to yourself.

I might missed out something, please remind me if I do.

Have a nice and happy day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Being needy...

Recently... I've become quite needy towards my friend. Maybe I'm excited about our friendship, or I just wanna chat with someone. Nonetheless, this is not the usual me... I need to stop.

I'm usually independent, but... I've grown needy during this holidays... What is affecting me? I need to control myself seriously. I felt that some friend are started to distance me. I'm sorry my friend. I don't mean it...

Being needy is the major turn-off for almost everyone. No one likes a needy person. People feel irritated around a needy friend, it's very annoying. Besides that, being needy drains others mentally and physically, people will worn out after some time... And eventually, they'll stop being friends with you...

Why are people being needy? Probably because of excitement over new friendship or relationship... Friendship and relationship take time to build, often we hope it could progress faster by being needy... But it's not gonna work, trust me. You're destroying the relationship.

Or simply because you feel bored. Feeling of emptiness, wanted to be loved constantly, want attention badly are signs of being needy... Sometimes you messege someone, hope they could reply ASAP, but they don't, so you send more and more, it's annoying. Seriously, people are just busy, they got much better things to do than paying attention to you, not as free as you, just occupy yourself with something... People need space, they have their own life too.

I misunderstood you, I'm very sorry. I hope you could forgive me...

Have a nice day.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Unusual normal.

This is the blog entry for 16 December 2010.

Well, today is kinda in a hurry mainly because I'm working. Gerald is coming back from KL to Penang as he's having a break from his studies, so he invited some friends to hangout together.

Today is my "lucky" day! I get the first ever "saman" in my whole life and it was nicely delivered by "Polis Diraja Malaysia" to my car which parked near to my grandma's house. I feel stupid. The offence is "causing unnecessary road obstruction." I wonder if that road ever traversed by a car though...

Sigh, nevermind that. I guess it happens once in a lifetime. I was driving and the road is jammed. Nonetheless, I still reached there. Sadly, Gerald and Alvin are going home. So I urged Weihun to leave later...

I'm quite hungry even after munching down a set of Fish-o-fillet from McDonald's , so me and Weihun find something else to eat. Although we're kinda indecisive that time, I still make a decision to go to BB Steamboat. Same old place, we have a 2 person steamboat as our dinner. The chrysanthemum tea tasted so good, because it's home brewed!

I'm kinda paiseh that Weihun treated me for that meal, because I'm in the black lately... Anyhow, we chat a lot, and it feels great! It's been a long time that I had a so comfortable and relaxed with a friend... I really appreciate and treasure the moment we have back there.

We have a walk in 1st Avenue, many shops are not opening yet. The Parkson at 1st Avenue is so unique! It looks very relaxing and quite artistic, compared to the one located in Prangin Mall. And there are some relaxing chair for tired shoppers, it feels comfy too.

We decided to go back after looking around 1st Avenue. After going to the roof where our car are parked at, somehow we still don't want to go back so early...

Suddenly, Weihun have an idea of chatting on the car park, since the windy weather and the open view of the sky. It's rather unusual to sit and chat on a parking lot... So we chat sitting on the lot, although people might think we're crazy... The view above the building is so nice, the lights and roads, and the tranquil silence on the building... But still it came to an end, we parted and go back home respectively.

I've learned something new from Weihun today, and I really appreciate the moment we have. We leave good memories everyday in our life I guess...

Hope everyone have a great day! Treasure every moment you have now...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So very extremely puzzled...

Lately... I've been thinking the purpose of my life. Well, I'm kinda lost, wondering what should I do next. Somehow, I feel like I'm wasting my life now... Maybe I could use the time to do something more meaningful, so that I don't regret later on. Any suggestion how to spend holidays usefully and meaningfully?

Anyway... The point of this post is about the thought of sexuality. I don't usually talk about this to anyone, mostly because of my somewhat conservative parents. Some people think I'm gay, I mean do I looks like one?? Seriously, even myself don't know about that.

During this sixth form life, many of my friends are in a relationship already. I wonder if that's a good thing or not, because they usually break up in the end, and suicide cases because of this matter are also increasingly common now. I'm kinda afraid that they are involved...

To be truthful, I don't have special feelings for girls yet. I'm really puzzled. Maybe I'm gay? Christians say being gay is abnormal, and it's a sin, you'll go to hell if you do that (not that I care anyway). I think I'm not ready for relationship yet, but I hope I can get some opinion though.

Anyhow, everything it's still a possibility though, what if I'm single forever? What will my parents think? Will people hate me if I really "turned" gay? I just don't know. I hope I'm "normal" though, but it's not something I could control. Btw, there's one girl confessed to me, but I rejected... I don't know her well and she's a bit mentally unstable... Am I cruel??

I need help, I've lost myself. What am I anyway?

Have a nice day.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

True feelings.

I love company, but I don't like crowds. All I wanted is someone that I could trust, and be there for me. People think I'm a loner, shy or maybe anti-social, but the truth is, I like to be alone. Being alone gives me space to reflect on things and cognitions... And I like social interactions too, but not too much.

I'm quiet and don't usually talk a lot, and people ask me why. Those people are usually loud, which I don't like it very much. Why talk so loud and so much? To get attention? I'm usually serious, that's the way I am. It's annoying that people keep asking why I'm so serious and quiet though...

And I seriously abhor overly childish people. They are god damned retarted, and they're usually very lame. Usually are a chatter box, have the ability of talking nonsense constantly, which is very annoying. They way they process information are totally out-of-the world, usually don't understand abstract concepts and take insults as compliment. I really don't understand them, it's like they are living in their own world, because everything around are oblivious to them. How I wish I never met them...

Say... I just met a very trustworthy friend during the trip to Genting Highlands for competition. He's a very nice person and like to joke. Too bad he's not living in Penang though. Hope our friendship would last...

See that guy in the middle? That's him.

I write too much again... Sigh, it's a bad habit to drag when writing... Hope I could change it though...

Have a nice day.