Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Recently, I've felt that I'm kinda sucks at socializing with people. I've rusty sense of humour, although will laugh if someone start a joke. But personally, I think some people are making fun at others and pretend it as a joke. Seriously, they say no offence, but at least give reserve that person's pride. Teasing and insulting each other sometimes is not really a bad thing, but please remain alerted, don't get too far. That's what my observation. I know not everyone is like that, just to remind who ever read my blog.
Anyway, from my personal experience, I really don't like to make fun of others, it might be funny, but you wouldn't know if that person is hurt by your "joke". Most of the people I've met told me I'm very quiet and serious. I can't deny that, as I'm quite reserved when I'm alone. Maybe I'm no good at joking or making fun of others, or maybe I'm too quiet or serious that people might not like me.

I prefer to approach people in a deeper way, because most people intrigued me. I like to ask people about their opinions, their interests and what they like, is that a good way to make friends with others?

I usually wave or saying hi when we came across each other. But some people are quite cool, they simply ignore you or they will give you a freaked-out look. I'm wondering that am I that weird? I hope that they won't hate me because of this... Their reaction embarrased me, like I'm a psycho talking to the air...

Some guys are even weirder, when you trying to greet em', they show you a shocked expression and then they ask you, "are you gay? Do you interested in me?", uh... seriously, do you think that everyone that talk to you want to have a relationship with you? Perhaps that guy is a gay too. Not just guys, gals are like that too. I wonder why are they acting like this...

I see most advice tell us to be yourself and sincere, but some people are just too bad. They take your sincerity as a joke, and kinda insult your personal traits and flaws, I really pissed by their attitude. It's like they never take others' request sincerely, and their attitude force others to pretend themselves to be someone else, so that they would be accepted to their group. But to me, I like people just the way they are, because everyone is special, you can't be someone you aren't, it feels very unnatural and annoying.

I tend to over analyse things, and try to decipher what people are thinking about me, but i guess that's simply pointless. I'm trying to stop this habit, is that a right thing to do?

By the way, some people I've met are quite cool. They give simple replies to my request, like 'ya', 'i think so' or etc. I feel kinda awkward then because of the silence of the conversation. Is that my problem? I really hoped that i can draw out their interest...

Sometimes I felt like a failure... Maybe I've used the wrong way? Or maybe people just don't like who i am... Or should i be more humourous? Any opinions is really welcomed, I really hope that i could improve my socializing skills...

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