Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I felt really lost recently. It seems I've lost control over my emotion and the way I talk... I felt that I've been deluded by many things, like my thoughts. Thinking about something too much will cause you to over-analyze things, and might lead you to a faulty conclusion. Furthermore, my emotions had caused some ruckus in my mind... And sometimes, I kinda said something I shouldn't (truths), it might be really straightfoward towards others and might hurt them.

Sometimes, I'm really not my real self, because my thoughts and behaviour have been altered by other's view, insults, etc., they made me felt really unconfortable and shy. I think I should really keep quiet, and control myself, even though it's quite hard to do so under these circumstances...

By the way, I'm kinda pressurized by the choices I've to made in my life. In many situation, I really had to made a choice. Really, sometimes it's a dilemma, like something I like to do, bothly. I felt really bewildered and lost... These tangled thoughts kinda made my life disorganized, mental chaos. Argh!! What should I do!?

In the end, the only way is to conquer my laziness! And stop procrastinating! I really doubt myself could do that though... I really hope that I can express these feelings, really hoping that someone would share my burden... Doubt someone would want to spend their time to hear me out though...

Wish everyone can have a nice day, everyday free from tangled thoughts and peer pressure...

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