Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hug, please?

Have you ever wondered, when is the last time you're being hugged by someone you really care about? Your friends, partner and family members, parents especially. For me, I really can't remember the last time I've been hugged, and never hug or being hugged by someone after I've started to going to kindergarten...

Well... From my observation, I've found out that teens now rarely or never give a hug to their parents. Why? I dunno... Cause' I also never hug my parents or brothers consciously... Maybe I might feel awkward and weird... Maybe our culture contribute to this phenomenon...

Sometimes, I have the urge to hug my friend who is especially down or depressed. You know, I really feel bad for doing nothing while you know that your friend needs comfort... I like to listen to people, and understand them, that's the way I make friends. I really wanted to hug them, but I'm afraid that they would feel weird, or feel even more uncomfortable because I'm super skinny...

Some people think that hugging someone means you love them, and that's right! But some people often percive this as only lovers can hug each other. That's why when 2 guys hug each other, they would be 'gay'. Haha, maybe they are, so what? This might be another reason why people don't hug each other, when they really wanted to do, because they don't want misunderstanding, or maybe alienated by other people...

Well, whatever it is, I think hugging is really good! I mean hug with compassion and affection or full with warmth and love, not that superficial or just-for-fun hug. To me, hugging is a way to express and show that you care, you love someone. It's something that words can't discribe, the affections and feelings. Hugging are also proven therapeutic, mentally and physically. And they feels good too~ And hugging not necessarily sexual, although it's used in that way, but the purpose is still the same though.

But why people are not practicing it, given that It brings much benifits. Maybe because it's not as socially acceptable, most people are oversensitive, especially in Asian cultures. But I guess... Just do what you want, but never harm others.

A brief but compassionate hug won't hurt right?

I'll stop for now, after writing so much... I'll give someone a big hug someday, and I'm also hoping someone I cared would give me a hug...

Ps: I guess chubby people are more cuddly~

Friday, June 11, 2010


Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation aka Laser are quite dangerous thing if not handled correctly, in my opinion. You see, many people are playing with those red lasers pens or keychains, that's quite alright is some way, as it doesn't have too much power to cause any severe damage.

Although lasers my seems harmless, they are potentially dangerous. Mostly the causes burns through the EM wave they emits. Just now, one of my classmate brought a green laser with him. Well, he's quite a top notch physics student and I'm sure he knows the consequences might caused. But the point is, he's playing with that laser and then my other friends too. I believe he should tell them how powerful his green laser is. Then someone used my N900's camera to capture the laser beam directly:

It's nice izin't it?

See the photo? Nice? Like in Matrix. But whatever, because of this photo, my N900's camera lens get burnt by the laser... Ugh! Heartache!! So let me ask you, the laser burnt my camera lens, how about human's eyes? What if they happened to pointed it directly into other's eyes? It's quite possible that person will suffer optical damages, in severe case, blindness.

Laser is a very dangerous item if not handled correctly, no matter how cheap it is, it's still a laser. Just like a gun or knive, you wouldn't want to mess with it, same goes to lasers. Don't play with lasers, beams of lights might seem harmless, but it might be much more lethal than you'd think.

Well, guess I'll stop now. This is from my personal experience, if you don't agree with it, just do whatever you like, don't regret, I've warned you. My camera... Haiz (T.T)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Complicated simplicity

There are too many things happeneing in our life. Most of them seems really complicated, but they are actually very simple. On the contrary, simple things may look simple, but they're just too complicated to explain... For example, our emotions and feelings. And there are things start very simple, but turn out to be very complicated. Because many simple things will eventually get tangled, and they're very troublesome... Condratictions eh?

Misunderstanding, gossips, rumours, jelousy, hatred, etc., are those who make things complicated. Really, I hate em'. Though it's normal to encounter problems like these in our daily life...

Simple things looks complicated because we're deluded. Complicated are simple when we understand the problem, but most of the time, we tend to think like this: "Oh! It's too complicated! I can't want to solve it!", then procrastinate.

People have different point of views right? What is your opinion on my views then?

Will stop for now. Thanks, readers. Remember to share your thoughts!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I felt really lost recently. It seems I've lost control over my emotion and the way I talk... I felt that I've been deluded by many things, like my thoughts. Thinking about something too much will cause you to over-analyze things, and might lead you to a faulty conclusion. Furthermore, my emotions had caused some ruckus in my mind... And sometimes, I kinda said something I shouldn't (truths), it might be really straightfoward towards others and might hurt them.

Sometimes, I'm really not my real self, because my thoughts and behaviour have been altered by other's view, insults, etc., they made me felt really unconfortable and shy. I think I should really keep quiet, and control myself, even though it's quite hard to do so under these circumstances...

By the way, I'm kinda pressurized by the choices I've to made in my life. In many situation, I really had to made a choice. Really, sometimes it's a dilemma, like something I like to do, bothly. I felt really bewildered and lost... These tangled thoughts kinda made my life disorganized, mental chaos. Argh!! What should I do!?

In the end, the only way is to conquer my laziness! And stop procrastinating! I really doubt myself could do that though... I really hope that I can express these feelings, really hoping that someone would share my burden... Doubt someone would want to spend their time to hear me out though...

Wish everyone can have a nice day, everyday free from tangled thoughts and peer pressure...

Something For You

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Ps: I know it's Christianish, but it's quite meaningful.

Communicate with animals!

Howdy, guys! Lately, I've an urge to communicate with animals, so that I could understand what are they thinking and experiencing, and mainly, conversing with them. Seriously, you may think I'm crazy or stupid, that how humans can communicate with animals.

Firstly, most people think of is the gestures and reactions of animals. So when you talk directly to the animal with human language, do you really think that they would understand it? Some might react accrodingly, that's because they are trained, and that's a command. You might have a little understanding through their reactions and gestures towards things, but you can't really tell or ask them.

So I've came up with an idea, telepathy. I believe that living things can communicate telepathically, and so does animals. But realized that we lost our telepathic powers after our childhood, it might be a little hard to gain that ability back. This is because that we are taught to communicate through words, and think logically.

I'm trying to meditate, throw away all thoughts, and those logics. Open up my senses, be ready to accept what animals are trying to tell me. But I've tried it out a few times, and they kinda reacted, and i get some visual senses that I don't understand at all... I guess I need to practice more...

Some people might think I'm weird, and most people doubted human's telepathic powers. I believe it's real, you can try it out sometimes too. Weather it possible or not, simply up to what you believe.

Have a nice day.


Recently, I've felt that I'm kinda sucks at socializing with people. I've rusty sense of humour, although will laugh if someone start a joke. But personally, I think some people are making fun at others and pretend it as a joke. Seriously, they say no offence, but at least give reserve that person's pride. Teasing and insulting each other sometimes is not really a bad thing, but please remain alerted, don't get too far. That's what my observation. I know not everyone is like that, just to remind who ever read my blog.
Anyway, from my personal experience, I really don't like to make fun of others, it might be funny, but you wouldn't know if that person is hurt by your "joke". Most of the people I've met told me I'm very quiet and serious. I can't deny that, as I'm quite reserved when I'm alone. Maybe I'm no good at joking or making fun of others, or maybe I'm too quiet or serious that people might not like me.

I prefer to approach people in a deeper way, because most people intrigued me. I like to ask people about their opinions, their interests and what they like, is that a good way to make friends with others?

I usually wave or saying hi when we came across each other. But some people are quite cool, they simply ignore you or they will give you a freaked-out look. I'm wondering that am I that weird? I hope that they won't hate me because of this... Their reaction embarrased me, like I'm a psycho talking to the air...

Some guys are even weirder, when you trying to greet em', they show you a shocked expression and then they ask you, "are you gay? Do you interested in me?", uh... seriously, do you think that everyone that talk to you want to have a relationship with you? Perhaps that guy is a gay too. Not just guys, gals are like that too. I wonder why are they acting like this...

I see most advice tell us to be yourself and sincere, but some people are just too bad. They take your sincerity as a joke, and kinda insult your personal traits and flaws, I really pissed by their attitude. It's like they never take others' request sincerely, and their attitude force others to pretend themselves to be someone else, so that they would be accepted to their group. But to me, I like people just the way they are, because everyone is special, you can't be someone you aren't, it feels very unnatural and annoying.

I tend to over analyse things, and try to decipher what people are thinking about me, but i guess that's simply pointless. I'm trying to stop this habit, is that a right thing to do?

By the way, some people I've met are quite cool. They give simple replies to my request, like 'ya', 'i think so' or etc. I feel kinda awkward then because of the silence of the conversation. Is that my problem? I really hoped that i can draw out their interest...

Sometimes I felt like a failure... Maybe I've used the wrong way? Or maybe people just don't like who i am... Or should i be more humourous? Any opinions is really welcomed, I really hope that i could improve my socializing skills...