Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Smoked lungs! A tasty treat?

Recently, I've found out some of my colleagues are smokers... And many people I know while I'm working smoked. Even my dad is a smoker too... And I've wondered why smoking is so addictive? It's like once they start, they can't stop! Want them to stop smoking it's like taking their lives away... I know because I've conducted series of experiment on my father~ Ironically, as a parent, they tell us not to smoke as somking will ruin your health but they are doing that daily... Aren't they feared that one day their health is ruined by this habit?

Well, I've ask a few of my colleagues about why are they smoking. They tell me smoking makes you feel satisfied, and some say it makes you feels "high", and some tell me smoking will make you stay awakened. I dunno, some even say it feels like masturbating... I might understand part of it as I'm a video games addict... I see people are willing sacrifice many things to fulfill their own desires, like their own health. But I think it's better than addicted to drugs though...

The point is, some of them started to smoke very early in their life, like during secondary school. And one of my colleague is same age as me, and he smoked a lot. like maybe 3~4 times in an hour. I'm really amazed to see this when I hanging out with my colleagues one day. I've wondered if he experienced some smoking side-effects, probably not... But I'm sure they are cooking their lungs slowly... I've wondered if his parents know about his habit, or maybe his parents allow him to smoke... That's weird though, for parents to allow their childrens smoke...

The thing I'm concerned is not them or their health, it's us, their friends and family that don't smoke. They are willing to sacrifice their own health to satisfy themselves, and there's no way to stop them right? They might make some promises, but I doubt they would keep it though... The reason I'm not concerned about them is because the one who suffered it's not them, it's their friends and family who cared about them... I've found that secondhand "smokers" die earlier than the smokers themselves. I'm not sure about real statistics, but this is my personal observations anyway.

Later their family members get chronic illness because of their smoking habit, and the will probably say something like "Oh!! I shouldn't smoke! I'm really sorry!" or maybe like "Oh God! Why did you let us suffer like this!? I didn't do anything wrong!". Oh I say shut up, regret now is useless, and blaming the gods is pointless too. Everything is caused by yourself! I hope my dad won't be like this though... Probably he would anyway...

So do you like smokers? They smell great aren't they? Or perhaps they would serve some "tasty" smoked lungs that they prepared for so long... Think before you act, don't prepare your smoked lungs for your family members, they ain't tasty, they cause miseries...

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