Sunday, July 4, 2010

Praise or criticism?

I've been pressured by many things lately... Mainly because of my studies, can't grasp what the teachers are teaching... But set aside that, how's life goin', folks?

Still the same matter bothering me... Interaction between people, how to communicate with people and many of these related stuffs. We humans are really complicated aren't we? Emotions, thoughts and relations, they're simple but hard to predict and understand aren't they?

I like to listen to people, understand them, it's really interesting. I guess people want and need attention aren't they? Some of them work hard, trying to be the best, or be super annoying, to make sure everyone know them.

But my point is, no matter how lonely you want to be, you still need to socialize to survive izin't it? In my opinion, everyone is different, but we're still the same. We want attention from others, that's why we make friends. True friends are hard to came by, treasure them if you ever have one, it's a very precious gem in our life.

Most of us are the same, suffering, enduring the stress of life. We need some time to relax ourselves, detach from the stress and business of the "real-world". When a friend is depressed or having some bad experiences, offer him/her your time, listen to them, just listen attentively, advice is not necessary needed, you're not a counsellor here, you're a friend. Try to understand them, understand how they feel and their perspective towards things. It will deepen the friendship, and this made you and your friend feels extraodinary.

Some people are mean critics, they judge people and give criticism and insults, at almost everything you do. You'll never do things right with this kind of people around. They are everywhere, there's no way to avoid them. They make fun at people by insulting, criticise people when they've done something wrong. They monopolize every conversation, probe at everyone's relationship, and pretend to be the "know-it-all" person. Actually, these are not a really bad things when done occasionally, but some people do it regularly. They made your BAD day WORST. They destroy your self-esteem and confidence. They made you feel worthless. They disagree with everything you stated. I really hope they could just shut up, just pretend they didn't see you.

Contrarily, why don't people learn how to give people compliment, and give crticism in a good way? I believe that praising, even for a little things the people do, or just their traits, would brighten their day. Of course, it's not praising perfunctorily, it's sincere, not just to make someone feels good, but they deserve it. Complimenting people would make them feel better, and it shows that you care about them. You want them to do better, you still point out their mistakes, but in a good way, not by insulting. Look at the good side of people, give compliment for their good and point out their bad so that they be aware of it, and improve themselves. Praising sincerely it's like magic, it makes other feels good and they might like you and be your friends too. Praising also increase others self-esteem and confidence, which is very important in our life.

I know I like to write a lot, but summing up everything, I hope you can give compliment to someone when they done something nice instead of insults, especially towards your friends. Listen to your friend actively, don't be the counsellor or the "know-it-all" guy the keep giving advice of some sort. Help your friend whenever you can, they would do the same too, if they value the friendship.

Well, I'll stop now, have a nice day guys!

Ps: I really hope that person could be my friend...

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