Sunday, December 25, 2011

Missing fragments?

Finally, I've graduated from secondary school. Yay? I guess I've good the freedom to do things... I should be happy right? Every secondary students are longing for this! I am, happy with this, but I always have the feeling that something is missing from my life...

Sometimes I feel unbearably lonely, I thirst for intimacy... Mentally and physically. So desperate, and I'm annoying my friends, looking for attention. Obviously, this is not I'll do usually... Everyone is busy with their jobs, entertainments, and ego. Perhaps, not even have time for their friends, who really care. Our so-called "technological advancement" are making people more and more distant, people rarely interact face-to-face nowadays... I wish things are like the olden days...

Anyway, now I have the freedom, perhaps it's a little sudden, and I don't know how to use it wisely. I'm overwhelmed. I feel kinda stupid, don't even know how to plan for my life. I feel lost. What to do?

Sometimes, I see my friends hanging out excluding me, I feel a little dead inside. At times, I see how intimate my friends can be with each other, I wish I can too. Perhaps something is wrong with me? Sometimes I talk to them and they are kinda awkward, is it my problem? Maybe I'm don't have a place in their heart. But I guess that's all right, they have their freedom to choose. I do care for them, but I'll just let it be. I'm always the insignificant guy in a group, no one really notice me...

What's wrong with me? I'm a learner, still learning, I make mistakes, but I take responsibility. I'm not perfect, I'm just a little bit sensitive. I'm improving myself and interpersonal skills, hopeful it'll help me getting a fore fulfilling life.

What do you think? Have you ever faced the same problem? Share your thoughts here!

Thanks for your time.

"It is the friends you can call at 4am that matter!"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spirits? Ghosts? Gods?

Howdy! Me currently having big exam, didn't have much time to update. Recently, I have an intresting theory about our unseen "friends", because I was finding something to think about.

So this is how it's started...

I heard rumours about when human dies, at the moment their weight decrese a little, perhaps a few newton or milinewton. If this is true, then according to Einstein's theorem of mass-energy equivalence:

E = m

Where m is the mass defect, which is the loss in the weight of the human body divided by the gravitational acceleration of the Earth, and c is the speed of light.

Therefore I think that the energy released is the "soul" of the human, perhaps along with the person's consciousness? Personally, I think that they're released as EM radiation.

Next up is the conservation of energy, which states that the energy of a closed system cannot be created nor destroyed, but are able to change from one form to another. So how is this related?

This is what I think:
Let's say that the mass loss is fixed, then the energy released is fixed. If the consciousness if a person is released alongside, then it might be able to use its energy to influence our environment.

For example, let's say the human consciousness have learned how to manipulate their energy. By converting its EM energy into kinetic energy, it can move things around. Similarly, it can convert and conduct its energy as electricity through an electronic, causing them to function irregularly. And anything logical that you can think of!

According to Chinese folklore, if the spirit of a person perform too much of its "magic", it'll be exhausted and disappear eventually. This is consistent with my theory, as the amount of energy released is constant, it'll be used up eventually.

Perhaps when you pray to the Gods, it's the stray "spirits" that actually answer your prayers, spending their energy to help you or create miracles?

I don't know, me just propose this theory for fun~ Hope any religious follower don't feel offended. Thanks for reading this!

Feel free to dispute my line of logic~
"Nothing is easy, but it's not hard either."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brokeback Mountain

My favourite scene!

A very finely crafted piece of movie, personally I liked it a lot. Unlike what people comment about it being a "gay cowboy movie", I'd say that this movie is pure and authentic love story about two rough guys. The reaction of people towards this movie reflects how prejudiced our society is...

scenery of Wyoming, the setting.

I recommend this movie, for those who haven't watch, guy gal straight homo etc., just watch it if you believe if true love.

Fuck this stupid phone! I've used a few hours to write my thought about this movie and it restarted. *Poof* it became kokocrunch! Now everything's gone. I'm not going to re-write it now, damn fed up. Wasted my time and energy.

Sorry for the brief opinion. But the movie touched and affected my so strongly, I don't even know how to describe it.

Thanks for reading though, cheers!
"Sometimes you'll never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Le me have not been updating this blog for quite some time, basically because I'm LaZY.

Like this cat.

Well, few days ago, one of my classmate's dad just passed away. And he the only child in their family. I guess he'd feel more lonely now... I wonder how will I feel if this happens to me... This day will come eventually...

Trial exam is over too, and I regretted that I wasn't revising beforehand. I don't expect any good results then. I'm just too lazy...

Gifted? By that I mean gifted people. I always wonder, am I gifted? No superpower no psychic ability, but quicker learning speed and better understanding prowess than my peers. I'm not boasting here, just trying to figure out the truth, but I bet everyone of you have questions for yourself too.

Ever since when I'm in primary school, I feel that I'm having better results than others that worked harder than me. Playing whole day, got caned by teacher tomorrow because never done my homework properly, and loathed by most teachers; meanwhile, others got praised for their work and getting "stars" for it. After examination results is out, even the teachers are suprised and they are doubting me, talk about prejudice! Myself are quite amazed too, they'd work so much harder than me. Then it strikes me...

During classes, I understands theories quickly too, processing information rapidly, memorizing them, testing the logic and finding flaws in it, asking questions. Learning is never boring to me.

Another incident, is when I was learning an instrument. I joined CLHSCO and assigned to take Liuqin, an chinese musical instrument. So I begin to learn, and the seniors are amazed, because I can play some pieces in shorter time than they expect. Even the younger peers are asking me how I did that, but seriously I don't know why.

These events make me wonder, am I gifted or that others are doing things inefficiently? But I believe I can do it, others can too. Some of my friends are feeling unfair for my "gift", because they worked so hard while I'm fooling around... My friends, you don't have to feel that way, I believe in karma and Newton's third law, everything is fair in the end...

I guess I have to stop here, it's 2.30a.m. in the morning now.

What do you think readers? Are you in the same situation as I do? Feel free to comment and give opinion.

Thanks for coming by!
Have a nice day, everyday. =)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blessings in disguise

Read what it says.

Shared from Sebas

PS: Show appreciation, be grateful, you know what I mean.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Doubt the "truth"

It's been a while, that I write here. Well, a lot is going on now too.

Anyway, we got Gold for the national secondary school chinese orchestra competition! Congrats to Chung Ling High School Penang!

Now back to the topic shall we?

Do you remember that you parents told you not to point at the MOON, or else the moon god will cut your ears? Most people believe them, until now they still don't dare to do it. Don't you find it ridiculous?

Or maybe you've heard people say that feeding doggies chocolates will kill them. Is that true? And most of us believe them.

The point here is, people are just too lazy to think. They think, but never think critically. When you hear or read a certain "facts" weather from the papers, news, people or on the internet, you usually believe what they say.

Examine it carefully, and you'll see flaws their statements. Go on, look at the papers, you'll never get the full truth from it. They're mostly fabricated by the authority and media.

Be smart today, be curious and interested, think critically. Doubt the so called "truth", maybe they're totally misleading. Ask questions. Decide objectively when it's about facts and truth. It's rather disheartening to see some people defending their beliefs blindly.

Here, some wiki on Critical thinking, in case you don't know what it's about.

Gonna sleep soon! Sweet dreams everyone~

-JP zzz...