Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spirits? Ghosts? Gods?

Howdy! Me currently having big exam, didn't have much time to update. Recently, I have an intresting theory about our unseen "friends", because I was finding something to think about.

So this is how it's started...

I heard rumours about when human dies, at the moment their weight decrese a little, perhaps a few newton or milinewton. If this is true, then according to Einstein's theorem of mass-energy equivalence:

E = m

Where m is the mass defect, which is the loss in the weight of the human body divided by the gravitational acceleration of the Earth, and c is the speed of light.

Therefore I think that the energy released is the "soul" of the human, perhaps along with the person's consciousness? Personally, I think that they're released as EM radiation.

Next up is the conservation of energy, which states that the energy of a closed system cannot be created nor destroyed, but are able to change from one form to another. So how is this related?

This is what I think:
Let's say that the mass loss is fixed, then the energy released is fixed. If the consciousness if a person is released alongside, then it might be able to use its energy to influence our environment.

For example, let's say the human consciousness have learned how to manipulate their energy. By converting its EM energy into kinetic energy, it can move things around. Similarly, it can convert and conduct its energy as electricity through an electronic, causing them to function irregularly. And anything logical that you can think of!

According to Chinese folklore, if the spirit of a person perform too much of its "magic", it'll be exhausted and disappear eventually. This is consistent with my theory, as the amount of energy released is constant, it'll be used up eventually.

Perhaps when you pray to the Gods, it's the stray "spirits" that actually answer your prayers, spending their energy to help you or create miracles?

I don't know, me just propose this theory for fun~ Hope any religious follower don't feel offended. Thanks for reading this!

Feel free to dispute my line of logic~
"Nothing is easy, but it's not hard either."